Get To Know Me

Hi All,

Welcome all the lovely ladies and especially those generous men who may have landed here looking for some solution or ideas or any sort of info to help their better-halves. Surely, this section is to share a bit about me and create a mutual world since motherhood brings pain, joy, surprises and more to every mother in one way or the other.

To describe myself, I am Parul, an explorer by nature, marketer by profession and a mother of a 2 years old boy by heart, always on a roller coaster thanks to my li’l prankster.

So, why a motherhood blog?? Because the websites out there sometime overwhelm me with too many details (except concerning topics). The idea over here is to be as real as possible and not just informative. Only to share what I have experienced so far with RIDzzz by adding a pinch of format and research in the recipe is a perfect mix. Basically, searching online is more fun when we get to read real stuff. For me, motherhood phase is amusing but she is the one that needs a lot of care and generally been neglected thanks to the sleepless nights and chaos.

Though it’s a kind a learning at every step, but helping around to my fellow mother readers, new or aware of the adventure, is something I would heartily do.

Drop in for a quick read.

I promise to have something interesting up for u. Also, if I could help you with anything would love to do.

Do visit again and show some ❤️